Golfers elbow anatomy
Whilst sitting around and watching Wimbledon on TV, I did a bit more research on the Golfers elbow problem I have been suffering from. One of the best descriptions is here and it refers to two muscles: Pronator Teres and Flexor Carpi Radialis which I show in the image of the inside elbow of a left arm (hand at top of picture).

Muscles involved in Golfers Elbow, © Primal Pictures.
The next image shows the same view of the elbow joint and the Medial Epicondyle which is where these muscles attach to bone and gives rise to the medical term for golfers elbow of medial epicondylitis.

Medial epicondyle, © Primal Pictures.
The Pronator Teres muscle is, as its name suggests, responsible for wrist pronation, which is commonly used when executing a topspin forehand and coming over the top of the ball with the wrist.
The Flexor Carpi Radialis muscle is used to flex the wrist, also a common action with a topspin forehand when taking the wrist from a cocked back position, with the brush over the ball and follow through.
In my case I think my injury was caused by attempts to use a western grip, and starting the forehand stroke with the wrist cocked and forearm laid back (not pronated), then hitting the ball incorrectly in this position resulting in excessive force and stretching of the Pronatror Teres muscle.
Anyway, I have stopped using the western grip and am sticking with the semi-western, trying to use less wrist on my forehand, am doing some strengthening and stretching exercises, started using an armband and have added some weight to my racket to lessen the shock of the ball hitting. Time will tell now if all this helps.
Tags: golfers elbow
Good post I have the same problem. I use a semi Western and am going to try swing with my wrist pronated
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